After many late happy hours in the city, I've taken a more than a few cabs home to Queens. I know the
Shaqtus commercial far too well, I'm familar with
Sara Gore and her rack, and I know that the greek restaurant on the UWS has moved five blocks away from its original location.
One day, I managed to hail a cab with a female driver. I prompt get inside, close the door, and tell her that I need to get to Queens. She immediately starts squawking, "Oh, NO! Oh, NO! I have to use the bathroom. I can't go the Queens."
"Um...are you serious?"
"Yes, I can't take you to Queens. Get out."
At this point, I immediately think this will turn out to be a great blogger post. I also think that this is another reason why I hate women drivers.
Once you're in a cab, the driver is obligated to take you wherever you need to go within the city limits. Jersey and Nassau County are negotiable with the driver and must be established before the trip begins--I've read those postings in the backseat when taking a cab from JFK to the city.
Being the wonderful, compassionate person that I am, I held my ground and demanded that she take me to Queens and if not, further up the ave where there are far more cabs. She finally obliged, but not before she continued to bitch and moan about how she really needed to pee.
So, thank you, woman cab driver. I want to punch you in the bladder.