For the record, I haven't been updating for two reasons:
1) Pure laziness.
2) I'm moving onto a new job. That's right, that means I can make more posts about my former job. And this whole time, I was saving my bitterness for twitter...awww
Anyway, I jacked this phone from the lost and found. It's nice and shiny. It also has better reception that my
old phone. I've even forgiven the fact that it's not red. *gasp*
What I do hate is that it's T9 predictive text is out of control.
During an important communications event, I was using my phone to contribute to the important online discussion (read: I got to tweet in the mornings and people listed to me. Weird). Too bad everytime I wanted to type something relatively intelligent, my phone thought I wanted to say something horribly offensive.
For example, I wanted to write - "Wow, he made an excellent point about funding"
instead, my phone thought I wanted to say - "I hate you and everything you stand for."
I mean, yeah, I was thinking that, but I don't need my phone to actually say what I was thinking.