I grew up using computers such as Speak and Spell and NES*. This gave me a fabulous vocabulary of the 100 most common words in the English language and the desire to jump on turtle shells multiple times to get an extra life. Naturally, I expect everyone to have this background.
Alas, this is not the case.
If you can do the following, then you have not pissed me off:
2) Copy and paste
3) Resize an image properly. (On a related note, I'd like photoshop on computer, please. I've requested it for over a year now and I'm still manipulating things on MS Paint...)
4) Successfully adjust the margins on a section of a microsoft word document unless it's microsoft 2007. That piece of crap word processor can go suck
Mr. Met's ball.
5) Know how to install a printer from a network
Guilty of those things? I hope a cat destroys you before I punch you in the ovaries.
I think the worst situation came one day when I was volunteered to help someone build a website. (In real life, I'm quite a push over, so I probably felt bad and decided to help out.) Rather than answer basic questions, I almost ended up having to explain how linking to another page works and how the internet works in general. After that wonderful teaching experience, I ended up writing to the actual web managers and politely told them if they didn't come into the office to help people with the website, I was going to punch them in the face.
*Speaking of NES and all things that are quality, I owe this
shirt. It's bad ass. I realize some of you are thinking, "Hey! That's a hipster ironic t-shirt!" If you're thinking that, I think you should die.