You know what's worse than the Fail Whale? Not even getting the Fail Whale screen.
Last Thursday, a miracle happened and twitter.com was unblocked at work. Rather than eliminate key items on my to-do list, I decided to create a twitter account for our educational program. I thought to myself, "Hey! The big guy upstairs must be listening to me! Clearly, he is saying that social media is the way of the future. Thus, I must partake."
Okay, that's a lie, I tweeted how I had access at work and that I planned to jerk around for the rest of the day before the three day weekend.
I come to the office this morning and log into twitter and receive the "Twitter session failed" message. So naturally, I start cursing servers, symantec, and any other technology vocabulary words that begin with the letter "S".
So, screw you, IT. And for the record, it's just not the IT in my office that I loathe. It's all IT people who overstep their boundaries and block every website out there that I like.
I'd punch you in the face, but this flash game is pretty awesome. http://www.diefailwhale.com/ Oh, I better play it only at home because I bet you adobe flash will be blocked tomorrow.
Jack ass.
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